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Join the West Allis Training Kennel Club and gain access to over one hundred acres of exceptional training grounds, featuring upland cover, ponds, and wetlands. For more information or to apply for membership, please contact WATKC today.

Membership at WATKC is capped at one hundred active members to ensure a high-quality training environment. The club also offers a limited number of Lifetime memberships, available to those with thirty years of continuous membership or fifteen years of membership plus being over the age of sixty-five.

The annual dues are set at $465 but can be reduced to as low as $165 through contribution hours. Members can decrease their dues by $10 for every hour contributed, up to 30 hours, leading to a maximum discount of $300. For instance, contributing 30 hours in a year reduces the dues to the minimum amount of $165, while contributing 20 hours results in dues of $265.

New members pay a combined total of $265 in dues and initiation fees. Contribution hours accrued in the first year are applied towards the second year's dues.

Contribution hours can be earned through activities such as participating on boards and committees, attending meetings, maintaining grounds, and assisting at events. Hours contributed by immediate family members also count towards the member’s total. Active participation from our members and their families has proven crucial to the vibrancy and success of our club.

If you prefer to print a paper application and mail it in, you can download the application below:

Download Application PDF Format Here

Download Application Word Format Here


In applying for membership in WATKC, the Club assumes you are interested in becoming an active member and that you will want to participate on Club Committees and at Club functions. Listed below are Committees and club functions that are essential to the operation of WATKC. Please indicate any areas you would be willing to assist.
I hereby apply for membership at the West Allis Training Kennel Club (WATKC). I understand that upon acceptance, I will be required to pay an initiation fee and first-year dues totaling $265.00. The annual dues of $465.00 can be reduced to $165.00 by contributing up to 30 hours per year on Club Committees or at Club functions. For every hour worked, $10 is credited, up to a maximum of 30 hours. Hours worked in the first year will be credited towards the second year's dues. Please note, the dues amount and work credit rules may be adjusted by the WATKC Board of Directors. I confirm that I am at least 18 years old and, if accepted, I agree to comply with the By-laws and Rules and Regulations of WATKC.

Thank You!

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The West Allis Training Kennel Club is the perfect place for anyone passionate about dog training and the great outdoors.


Join our community and become part of a tradition dedicated to excellence in canine training and game conservation.

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© 2024 by West Allis Training Kennel Club

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